Friday, September 11, 2009

Signing on.......

Although this new project has been consuming my time here for the last month, the need to begin the documentation process has become more pressing. As more work takes place- both on the ground and behind the scenes- it becomes apparent that the documentation is necessary before it is lost altogether.

Basically, the position that has me all excited is a "once in a life-time" opportunity; the creation (from the basic infrastructure) to (one day), the completion of a 20 acre native plant nursery, and an accompanying large organic farm.

Leaving my position in the Bay Area to move further north (to the Pacific Northwest) was a "no-brainer" to me, as much as I did (emphasis on "did") enjoy life down there. Living in the Pacific Northwest for three years however, has filled me with a love for the the state, and when this opportunity arose, it was as though a summons was being issued..."go North young man.."

I digress however.... this opportunity consists of creating a nursery (yes, even during these tough economic times) from an old "abandoned" tree nursery. One may think that the basic infastructure could be utilized, but an entirely different method of nursery growing systems will take place.

And from there..... welcome to the blog....

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