Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jack Frost

First heavy frost of the season and it has certainly shaken everyone up with a view of what to expect as we roll on further into December. Walking to the back of the nursery this morning, I noticed the 1 gallon Mahonia aquifolium with their jewel colored leaves resplendent with an icing of white (frost) frosting, the miscanthus grass looking like sheaves of wheat ready for harvesting- tall, upright and their seed heads held predominantly above the blades, and the tiny Cornus canadensis with their little red berries sparkling amongst the pale green foliage.

It reminds of being out on the farm the other day; strolling past a log on the estuary, it looked photogenic (hence the picture) but also reminded me that the estuary is also home to the almighty of all engineers...the mighty beaver. Cute little animals, except when I walk to the back of the tree farm and find that they have felled at least ten Prunus serrulata in order to create their dam (home).

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