Monday, December 14, 2009

King of Spades

Even though we have some snow left on the ground from yesterdays snow storm (well, it seemed like a snow storm to me!), the troops ventured out to the farm again today to begin digging trees, as we are behind schedule.
Our illustrious mechanics (bless their hearts) have figured out a method of attaching our tree spade to our Cat 315, allowing us to access some of the wetter portions of the farm.

The only trouble is, some of the trees tend to be a little too large for even this work horse... So, while we can dig some of the smaller caliper material, the fact remains that the troops must hand dig the larger Carpinus betulus, Pyrus calleryana and Prunus varieties. But, that is good.... otherwise the trusty shovels will rust away from lack of use! Today... nine more trees down (not literally, thankfully) and about 3,500 more to go....

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