Friday, November 27, 2009

And more trees

And the saga does the rain.....
The team jumped right in to their stride again today, digging, sculpting, molding, wrapping and tying more trees..... Yesterday fulfilled the order for the Calocedrus decurrens and the Cedrus deodora, today focuses on the Betula jaquemontii and the Platanus acerifolia. Bear in mind that these are not small trees; most material on the farm has a caliper (width of the tree trunk) of between 6"- over 10" which in turn equates to a height of between fifteen to over twenty feet. Not small trees....!

There is a definite art in sculpting the root balls and a particular art of wrapping the root ball. This team has embraced that education and have already have the ability of digging approximately one tree per hour, close to the industry standard. (Yes, sweet Virginia..there is a standard for the amount of trees to be dug per hour).

But, there we have it.... approximately nine trees down (excuse the pun) and thousands more to go....

Before signing off however, we must revisit that work of art in the root ball.......

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