Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Fragaria chiloensis.... No, not a swear word in some foreign language, but the Latin name for a very cool, very adaptable PNW plant. The Coastal Strawberry occurs fairly close to the shoreline throughout the PNW and is ideal for stabilizing dunes and other areas that are susceptible to erosion. The added consolation are the small fruits that can be made into preserves or just eaten raw.

It appears that more and more requests are coming in for this plant, as well as most other PNW native material, as more homeowners demand and landscapers prefer the use of native plants. And, why not? Easy to grow (for the most part), native, ecologically friendly (given that they will not escape and begin to threaten other species), and they look great to boot!

One of the reasons why the native plant trade has been able to hold its head above water while the recession continues.....

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